

My broken life
I was sitting at the metro station and suddenly I just saw something that really made me so felt so broken.
A young teenage girl and boy were just giving eachother good bye kiss and i can see that there emotions were really pure.
I felt so deeply lonely at that time but at the same time i realised that life is different for everybody.
I am so hopelessly bad in love that I really think that nobody will ever love me .People just come and go but it really hurts. I am really afraid of showing my emotions but deep down i feel so lonely and broken .

I am not that bad , it's just i need lots of love and support. I don't tell anybody and never show my emotional side to anybody but sometimes you feel so blank from inside. Nobody understands me ,how emotionally i am drained alone. I try to remain happy but sometimes i just give up .

Nobody ever saw me crying but you know what now I am so emotionally done that tears also didn't comes from my inside.
I just sit hopelessly and do nothing .
Why i don't have anybody in life .

I smile everytime but trust me I am not happy from inside. I don't want to go back into that depression. I was just 15 years old when i had tried
to kill myself and it took me whole complete one year to come out from that phase .

I need love and support..
I am very lonely

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