

Those laughing faces..
War never solves the question, it only brings destruction. I am all tears 😢💧when I read about what happened in hiroshima and Nagasaki. My heart is aching, asking for the answers. What right do we people have to destruct this God's beautiful land. Who are we to decide, whom to kill 😭.

We are humans, how can we kill families just like ours. Who can even plan such mass destruction 🥺. I am all tears, don't know what to think. Why? What right do we hold against mother earth and her creatures. She raises us, feeds us, gives us liberty to smile.

But instead of being greatful, what do we do, we destroy her and her beloved creatures. Just imagine how hard the mother would have cried when we bombed her ecosystem, those childs to whom she raised, when they were stained in blood with lost limbs. How horrifying she must have felt when she saw nobel plants, who just knew how to give, were bombed into thousands of pieces. And what about those marine creatures, that clean water, who supported our survival Hormoneously. When we decided to leave in desert 🏜 mother earth supported us. When we went to jungle she welcomed us with open arms. On the sea shore she fed us, let us play, enjoy, laugh. less did she know was how cruel and truly folded species we are.

Peace is the only way for all of us to survive, if someone doesn't agree to you. let it go! War doesn't make you brave, it kills humanity 🥺

What happened to those laughing 👨👦👧👩👴👵Families in Japan 🇯🇵, I wish never repeats itself. I wish for the peace and people be resilient, courageous enough to choose peace over anything.

That's the only way to our survival and more importantly survival of mother earth.
© drowning angel