

my biggest betrayal
this is a true story mother who have been betrayal by many kind of people who should look in their own life and fit theirs own life sometimes things do happen but se can't write the wrong that's have been done but if have been forgave for being mindful is the key for success this mother will not be moved but I do know about everything so I not I over the. gangstalking talking about me the false arrested identity faurd on me income so small I can't pay rent living homeless to having a bed I can have to sleep but the sad thing is I always have been the one every body came to when no one had nothing else now I needed it noone help but the last person I think would betrayal me was my father and all my kids and ex husband and sister and brother not only mine but his to but that would be a surprise they didn't like because I wasn't like them but at same my family I know they was messes but I keep to myself so I always been different they do not fit me but my kids