

Changing love ...
Based on a true story....
A girl craved attention, so,
She wanted to let her mother know,
But the mom pushed her away,
Ashamed of her change,
An alter-ego of a perfect girl,
Would make a better world,
Everyone loved her,
Except her mother,
She had all the love she sought for,
But her mother just couldn't adore,
She was an A plus student,
With religious goals and prudent,
She yearn to make her mom proud,
But push other's emotions out,
Her mother pleads with reason:

" Come back, I want her back,
This demon is killing her,
Please, come back,
This isn't my daughter...."

Now, her pain was worse,
Realizing her mom's hurtful words,
She'd change for her mom to see,
That she changed with maturity,
So, she looked back at her mother,
Told her she will never be another,
Person outside of her heart,
Even if it tore her mentally apart,
Her mother said she'll love her no matter what,
And soon will everyone,
If you just show your true self,
And never hide from anyone else,
She grown up inside and out,
And made her mother proud,
Now this might just help you,
Be yourself and stay true.

© Futureflowers