

Heartless sweetheart
But you broke me first
|| Months later ||
Hazel - Damnnnn we will soon be leaving this school
Elena -whats your plan after this
Hazel - to be rich ofcourse
Elena - *facepalm * this girl
Hazel - how about you ?
Elena - Writer i want to write
Hazel - sounds great to me...
Boy 1 - Umm..hazel
Hazel - yes ?
Boy 1 - Aiden want to see you..
Hazel - What does he want
Boy 1 - ummm he said he need to talk and asked u to go to the rooftop..
Hazel - If he want to talk let him come to me
Boy 1 - Ahh yes byeee * slam door *
Elena - You sure ?
Hazel - ofcourse i am sure.. how many time left ?
Elena - okay ummm 7 mins till bell rings
Hazel - let's go to a cafe today shall we ?
Elena - great idea
《 Fast forward till class get over 》
Hazel- bruh im off he ain't coming
Aiden - wait hazel...
Hazel - Make it quick
Aiden - hey um...listen im..really sorry i shouldn't have left you...can you please give me another chance?
Hazel - really
Aiden - yes i am sorry please forgive me
Hazel - Ofcourse I'll be so much happy to say that I'll....
Aiden - ....
Hazel - never take you again aiden * dead stare *
Aiden - but don't you love me before...
Hazel - i do i did loved you before but you choose me over my bestfriend... and now i don't love you anymore * walk away *
Aiden - wait * hold her hand *
Hazel - what
Ember - .....aiden...
Aiden - babe...
Hazel - * walk away *
Ember - ......why.....
Aiden - .......
《 Later 》
Elena - what happened ?
Hazel - he thought ill get back with him
Elena - that jerk...
Hazel - forget it shall we go now ?
Elena - ofcourse i have been waiting by the way what happened to that new student
Hazel- Ah its been long since i last saw him
Elena - is he cute ? heheh
Hazel - oh come on i knew him only for a day
Elena - ahem yes
Hazel - okay we have reached
Elena - I'll get a boba
Hazel - I want icecream
* Hazel got hit on someone *
Hazel - Ahh im so sorry...Nelson?
Nelson - ah its you hazy what.are you doing here ?
Hazel - elena and i wanted to hang out in here
Elena - hi nelson
Nelson - woah you grew..
Elena - ofcourse i did stupid
Nelson - not even a little....
Hazel- haahahh
Elena- very funny hmmm
Nelson- well since we all here why not we go get something my treat ?
Hazel - Yayayay free treat
Nelson - hahah lets go in
《 Later 》
Nelson - Ill see you guys next time
Hazel - It was fun lets hang out often
Elena - Thanks for today
Nelson- ofcourse now take care bye guys
Hazel- byeee
Elena- byee
《 after he left 》
Hazel - Ahem
Elena - no.
Hazel - okayyyyyyy
Elena- don't even start
Hazel - you should
Elena - no.
Hazel - yes.
|| Still a long way to go guys ||

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