

Ready for a date?
some advice to woman out there!
let's go...

Don't deceive yourself who you are, who you attract and what you sow is what you will reap. So do the right-timely choice! We all deserve the best in life.

Ladies please learn to respect your man. It is the respect that you show them that counts, not the love. It's very important to respect them irrespective of the size or age because men love a respecting woman.

If you fail to give them respect then is prepared for being left for someone else who is more respectful.

Do not argue, shout every time with him.

Do not complain, nag about everything, it is so irritating.

You shall be regarded less among friends if you do these things always.

If you cannot talk to a man rudely without screaming or shouting, nagging at them then, pray hard for God to help you change your attitude that can result in romance at times. For God's sake stop complaining but show him love that counts than anything, don't blame him when he starts flirting with other girls .
Spokewill always passionate about your life.
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