

Lovers No Longer
There once was a girl. When she was in high school, she fell madly in love. One night, her and him were texting.
G: Hey, can I ask you a question?
B: What's up?
G: Do you like me?
B: Yeah. And I'm not even gonna ask you if you like me 'cause I already know you do.
That night, they became a couple.
Now, there relationship lasted a while. One day, the girl got a text from her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend telling her to never talk to him again, although she never did. When she confronted her ex-boyfriend about it, he told her that her boyfriend was cheating on her. She texted her boyfriend and asked him if he was. He said no but that he did need to tell her something. She asked him what. He then called her and this is how the story went.
G: Hey. What's up?
B: I need to tell you something.
G: Yeah. What is it?
B: Well, I'm not cheating,...