

Dreams are what make our life meaningful. Dreams are what make our life worth living..
Even she had a dream, dream to travel the world and see every corner of this world, dream to write her thoughts and let world hear her through her words, dreams to do what she loved..

But sometumes life give us tough situation where we don't actually have any other option left. Similarly she was also left with no option, she was forced to do which she hated the most, but why? Why? - she was the eldest in her middle class family and has to have a"stable" job so as to feed her family, to meet the expectation of "society", to earn enough so that she need not have to beg her husband for anything..

We often think of other and live our lives and forget that this our life, our choices..
But again did she really had any other choice? - No. She realized that its only"rich" who have a choice, who have the capacity to pay price for their dreams..
Nevertheless she didn't let her dreams die. She had the hope that one day she will fulfill her dreams, her dreams to fly, her dreams to explore, to live her heart open..
One day would surely come when she will live for herself and not for the other, caring for no one, and that would be the day when she will see her dreams with open eyes..