

It was always like that sometimes Life gives us a lot of happiness. In these times We become so happy more and more than ever without any limit. we believe that this happiness never end. but suddenly Life takes our happiness without any kind and gives us a lot of sorrows.then We become weak . with a sad face and with more anger we ask to life "why you did this to me ?" _A laugh _"It is a common thing" we again ask"how cruel you are . how could you say like this". with a loud voice the life again laugh and said"hey kids , just think about a beautiful flower and her lovely tree . In a beautiful morning a bud had bloom into a beautiful flower,as an angel she was kissed by the sun rays .when the tree opens her eyes she saw her new flower she felt happy. not only her but also the morning walkers, milkman ,old peoples , grand trees , butterflies,bees,and her others flowers . but this happiness is not for a long ,means a heavy rain and strong wind came against the tree's and flower's happiness.that week little poor flower struggled a lot and her tree tries to protect her little flower.they prayed to God not to save themselves but to save their loved ones.after some time all over the rain and wind had gone . the tree opens her eyes she shocked ,her little beautiful flower has goes to heaven to make the God happy. her tears has dropped to the soil by the leaves. like you,the tree asked to the cruel wind and rain" why you did this to me?" she cried a lot ."my little flower, she makes everyone happy. she was very special to us but you take her away why? the wind and rain answered "we just did our work "trees said "no you make every one sad because everyone loves her" rain and wind replaid"hem ,look at the humans ,they are same as before they were .for them it is a simple thing. In a tree there flower blooms In trees flowers blooms and then dry it repeats with time." tree bowed her head down .
With a confused face ,we ask"what you meant by?" life answered with a glorious face "It is a simple thing, according to me you all are just like the tree and according to you I am the cruel unkind wind and rain."
We again ask to life "means?"
"It is a short in word and big,great and unstoppable in reality
it is "fate" and fate is the basic thing of life also, isn't it?
just go ahead and do whatever you can and leave it to the god.
trust ,God will be always with you.