

I Am Who I Am
#AcceptingMyself #Inspiration #SelfLove #WritcoStory
We must have self compassion and not compare ourselves to others. Create a story about such while you deal with or avoid life's uncertainties.

I used to worry a lot about what others thought of me and my choices. It's something I still struggle with at times, but I'm starting to realize that people's opinions aren't really relevant in my life.
I have made many mistakes throughout the course of my life so far and I'm sure I'll make many more. I've made myself look silly plenty of times, but I know I will again. I've humiliated myself in front of others, I'm not the only one. We've all been there. I've appeared stupid to others, but I know in my heart I'm not the smartest person in the world and I'm ok with that. I am not perfect nor will I ever be. I'm human and I learn new things every day and will always continue to learn. No one is perfect and if they pretend to be, well, we know it's merely an act. I am here to learn and to grow and act silly at times, and have bad days, and do regrettable things. It's all part of the human experience and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me. We all must have self-compassion first before we can truly have compassion for anyone or anything else in life. And to have self-compassion, you have to accept yourself for whoever it is that you are despite all your flaws and imperfections. I see all this now and no longer feel the need to be perfect. There would certainly be something wrong with me if I was perfect, not the other way around.
Life has been downright hard for me, at times because of my worries over pointless things that I can't control. I have given others the power to influence my mood just because I've been so worried about whether or not they liked me or didn't like me. Whether they thought I was ugly or dumb...but everyone has different opinions and of all the people in the world, there's bound to be those out there who don't agree with my way of living, or might think I'm ugly or annoying. There's bound to be those who feel the need to criticize me and my decisions and choices. Bound to be those that can do certain things better than I can or those who will be prettier or smarter than I am. That's ok. And of course, someone out there is going to judge me at one point or another in life. If I allow those individuals to have me doubting myself simply because of their views of me, then I'm not very sure with myself anyway and probably need to do some self-reevaluating. This is the perfect reason to just be the very best me that I can be and if it's not enough for the likes of others then so be it. That is an issue that they'll have to work through on their own because it's not an issue of mine. I am the only person who has to live with my actions and the choices I have made at the end of the day. I will pay for any wrongdoing I have done or will do, not anyone else so why should I care if they approve or not. Why should anyone else even be concerned with my place in this world to begin with?
As long as I am confident in my decisions and my beliefs then the opinions of others really hold no value. In the event that I make a bad decision, another can judge me when and only when they've lived a mistake-free life. I don't see anyone doing that so who are they to cast a stone at another while living in a glass house themself?!
Now that I'm learning to accept this for what it is, I tend to be able to pull myself back up after a slight misstep much more quickly. I try not to let others get in my way of happiness or let them define my worth. Sometimes I still have my moments where I get down or think on it too much but I'm still working on it. I will always continue working on myself as long as I live. As I said earlier, I'm only human and I can only be as perfect and normal as my human nature will allow. No more or no less...and I can handle that.
© Manda H.