

"To Kill the Blight"
This day, day of yester & all the days yet to fester I need one Woman, & One Friend, soldiers of The Great Spirit Our Lord God Of Light to burn away, cleanse & kill the blight,.... that with might their sacred and sanctified insight lend those two soldiers I beg, plead, cry & pray for,....to come into my realm of trust & there loyally stand at my side always to confide 100% & never be Maleficent, striking without hesitation or failings sycophantic hailings or flailings & when my heart cry's out & I am in need they will herald their approach with a thunderous uproar armed with the killer of treason while wearing armour tempered with lucidity & reason. On this day this is all I have to say even if it makes you feel fuct up, anxious or some type of way. I need friends that will always be at my side & join me in the fray even though the battle might ebb, wane or sway. So if you choose to walk this my way & take up at my side please know that in you I place my faith, my trust, my loyalty, my heart, my soul & my very pride! For within that inner sanctum my soul doth reside. Please do not violate, betray or ingratiate my trust. That I cannot abide bringing on only a reckoning & a revenant lust for vengeance quenched only by your crucifixion, Lo there now my friend is my promise, my oathe to you & my admonition!
Drin Jaçöb Hildebränd~May 2020
© Drin Jacöb Hildebränd