

Alpha Princess Chapter 1 part 2
please make sure to read part 1 before continuing with part 2:

By: Sierra and Lucy Kabba

Princess L… you can't go back in there…. At least not yet!

Princess S… why is that? Why can't I go back in there? nothing going on in here. From one realm to another take me back please.

Princess L… there’s nothing going on because I haven't taught you yet; but you are here for a reason, you are chosen to be in the“NOW” with us. I don't know why but it was written. You have to fulfill your purpose here on earth. Do you remember signing any contract before porting over?

Princess S… yes! The contract we all do! Mother said my purpose is within and with time it’ll find me.

Princess L.’s Mother?

Princess S… yes mother! our mother from the spirit realm, do you not know her?

Princess L… I know of her but no i don't know her. I know she the “ I Am”and that she can be either gender; but s/he is the way and truth to all our life questions, purpose, guide. You can say shes the map. What is your role map?

Princess S… good question well let us just start small. I have a lot to learn and so do you. I tell you what we can exchange energy. I will teach you about “ the in-between” and you teach me the “NOW”

Princess L… the in-between? What’s that?

Princess S… the in-between. We are all in between two extreme world. You just happen to have more experience in the “NOW” wait how long have you been here?

To Be Continue!!
© Lucy Luve