

Daddys Love
Isabelle just visited her fathers graveyard. Her father is long gone for 10 years now. She stood there for moments thinking of all the Horrible things she done and Miserable pain and suffering she did to his father. Flashback 10 years Ago. Isabella is born in a very poor neighborhood . Even though she was born in a very poor neighborhood. Her beauty is Tremendous. Everybody didn't believe that she's not adopted. Because her father is a hunchback. Even though her father is a hunchback. He still tries to provide everything and all the things she need. But still she was ungrateful for the things she got. She often demands things that they cannot afford. And a brat to him all the time.one days when she's 8 years old. Her mother suddenly came to her life. Her mother that left her. After she gaver birth. Her mother comes back.as I Rich lady with a billionaire Husband. Her mother always tried to get her from her dad. But her dad beg her to stay. as she had a Once if kindness left. She decides to stay. When her teenages years came. She one time wanted a expensive Bag and forced her dad to buy it. and threatens him to leave him. If he didn't buy it. Her father did have some choice but to buy it even though there lack if money. She also always wants expensive foods, Cloth, Things and othe more. Her father tried to give everything he can. Until one time. her father didn't allowed her to go to a party .so she threw threw a tantrum. She waited till his father got asleep. She goes to the party and enjoys the night . as She comeback from home. Her father is waiting for her angrily and said to her. YOU DISOBEYED ME? I DIDN'T ALLOW YOU THIS ONE TIME. BECAUSE IM AFRIED OF YOU BECOMING PREGNANT. Isabella didn't care.and finally snaps out and left him to go to her Mother's side. He beg. And the words are. Please don't leave me. You're the only one I have left. Don't leave me please . But she didn't care and left. After a few months with her mother . Her life was Heaven. But overtime. Her mother became more Violent at her. Until one time. She saw that she's pregnant. And when her mother immediately found about it. She kicked Isabella in the house . ad Isabella realise it. Her mother never really loved her. But only her father. Isabella then decided to comes back to his fathers house and saw his father lying on the ground. With a Rat Poison. She was heart broken and cried and cried. as the flashback ended. Her Isabellas child then came and said to her.Mommy why are you crying? Isabella then said. It's nothing dear. I just missed your Grandpa .that's all.
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