

Die Empty
Die Empty


Most people won't understand what I meant by "Die-empty".
When I said you should die empty, am not telling you that you shouldn't eat, so you can die of hunger,
In this article am gonna explain what I meant by "Die-empty.
Erma Bombeck once said;
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'."

There is no one in this world that doesn't have two or more unique abilities, not even one...
Why don't you use them? Use them for humanity, use them for the glory of God.
Once, there was a young man, he was gifted and talented in several ways, there are so many life he his meant to save, but they all died.. Why?
He had no time to discover his talents, he was busy with the wealth and beauty of this world...
Mark 8:36; "for what shall it profit a man, If he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"....
Can anyone tell me what was his gain?
When the world needs him to show forth his talents and gifts, he was busy with materialism,
And I hope his life will be full of regrets, unless he change for the best...
Dear brothers and sisters,
I want you to liken yourself to a seed...
If a seed is buried, It will generate, wax, and grow much more stronger,
even if the world underrates you, let that be a challenge for you to bring out the best in you.

Let your obstacles be a stepping stone to your miracles...

And above all, remember to die empty, be humble with your gifts and talents, so you can receive more,
and I pray the ability to do so God will give it to you.

© @anointedyouths