

Logan Loves Nic [BXB]

Original of: T.A
Do not copy, just enjoy.

The next day, Logan was holding a box of chocolate, a sweetened coffee from Starbucks and a to-go order of burger with fries.

He had to beg and bribe his younger sister to buy everything. He knew how he would have multiple attacks before he would stammer his order. Taking the smart option, he bribed them to buy his gifts for Nic.

Logan knew Nic is more lazier than him when it came down to opening the door, so if Nic's parents aren't at home, Logan would eventually have to take the key from the fountain.

"Logan?" Nic's hair was a mess, an arousing mess. "What are you doing here?"

Logan snapped out of his daze. "I-I brought a peace offering."

Nic stood there, in only a pair of sweatpants on and stripped socks. Before Logan realized he was gay, he didn't mind looking at Nic's defined chest, but now that he knew he was gay, the sight just made him hard.

"For what?" Nic was already smiling by the time Logan sat on the dining table, opening the chocolates for him. "Logan!"

It was worth blowing off his money to make Nic smile. "I love it."

Logan blocked out Nic's mindless rambling, he focused on the smile on Nic's face and how beautiful his eyes were with that huge full teethed smile on his face.

"It was worth it." Logan shrugged.

Nic ignored Logan to take a bite out of the burger, smiling after his huge bite. "Want some?"

It was normal for them to share their food, they were that close. So, Logan took a bite of the burger, chewing slowly unlike Nic who devoured it seconds while Logan was still chewing.

"Thanks, Log." Logan sighed at the name. It wasn't even a nickname, it's the name of stick. Just plain Log.

"Couldn't you think of something better?" Logan voiced out his thought. "Something generally better, Nic?"

"Do you know how hard it is to come up with something sweet?" Nic scoffed.

"Then I'll just call you Nicholas." Nic groaned. "Then we'll be even."

"No, don't." Nic replied. "I'll think of something, your name is just plain boring."

Logan laughed at Nic's pouting face, loving how cute he looked every time he saw him either shirtless or dressed.

Logan watched Nic head to the fridge in boredom. It is hard to get bored while Nic is around because he's the life of the party but since Nic was silent, there wasn't much for Logan to do. He popped a fry into his mouth and chewing slowly.

Nic placed a bottle of Pepsi on the table. He sat beside Logan oblivious how tensed Logan was beside him and he happily munched on his fries.

"Logan." Nic can't be quiet for too long. "Don't you want some?"

Logan almost chocked on his saliva at Nic's words. "What?"

"The fries." Nic squinted his eyes more. It just looked sexy. "You want some?"

Logan nodded. He tried to smile while he took a handful of the fries from Nic's plate. "Thanks."

"Let's go up to my room before the Butler comes here." Nic said. He didn't wait for a reply when he took Logan's hand to drag him to his room.

Nic just can't sit still.


T. A


If it sounds like it doesn't make enough sense, remember I'm going go develop more on it. For now, it's still an experiment.

So, like,comment, share and be safe.