

Planet X Chapter Five
When Scott and Emily entered the room Eric was laying peacefully in his hospital bed. Scott went over to his bedside and stroked Eric's bangs and head. Eric slowly opened his eyes and looked up. Scott smiled widely.
"Hey you. How ya feelin?" Eric smiled weakly.
"Better." He replied.
"I'm so glad you're alright." Said Scott, burying his head into Eric's chest and and holding him tightly. Eric stroked Scott's hair and wrapped his arms around him.
"I'm fine now. But, theres something I have to tell you." Scott lifted his head and saw tears welt up in Eric's eyes.
"I know about the baby Eric."
"I'm sorry I didnt tell you."
"Its alright. I'm just glad you're okay." Eric's eyes filled with tears again.
"It died didnt it?" Scott's eyes dropped with sorrow. He nodded solemnly. Eric's face twisted with grief and he couldnt contain his composure. Emily felt so guilty she began to cry too.
"I'm so sorry Eric." She said, putting her hands to her face and sobbing. Eric sniffed and whipped the tears from his eyes.
"Its not your fault Emily. You didn't know this would happen. You were just trying to show me a good time..." Eric's tears began to fall again.
"Its my fault..."
"No it isn't! It's not your fault. It's this Charley person who's to blame! Eric..." Scott stroked Eric's head. "We can try again." Scott wiped away Eric's tears and kissed him on the forehead. Eric nodded sadly.
"You get some rest now okay?."
"Please don't leave me." Scott smiled lovingly.
"I'm not going anywhere." Satisfied with that, Eric closed his eyes, and got some much needed rest.
© Elizabeth Harris