

Amongst the dying breed
The village well as eerie even by the day. Stories of horror revolved around it. But nothing deterred me and my friends to explore it on that moonless, winter night…

We enjoy exploring mysterious things. And this time it is no different than before.

On this cold winter night. We decided to take a trip to our village well. We have been there once before. And left when we felt that most horrific feeling. That one where we did not feel alone no more.

They claim that experience is a good teacher. However, we desire to know more!

Yeah, we have been labeled as weirdos. Some calls us freaks. Because we believe that we are not strangers of the forbidden world!

Anyway, while we are kneeling before the well. As our candles are burning this ghostly night. It appears to be foggy. Or maybe it is the smoking candles. That is illuminating the mist from the hot flames.

It's wonderful and beautiful. As we feel and believe that we are witnessing a figure form through the misty fog. And the vibes of it all has us spellbound. Which is mysterious to us all....
© Bazilisk49