

(Chapter 4) What Created God?
Have you ever asked yourself,
"What created god?' It is a simple question that almost everyone has asked at one point in their life, but we've all been given the same answer: there is no answer.

But what if there was? Being Anglican, I remember as a kid asking this question myself, but the answer I always got was that GOD JUST IS. That god was simply beyond our human understanding.

But what if that wasn't true? What if we could understand? Tool to unlock this mystery, we have to look exactly where we've been told not to look: THE WORLD OF FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE …

A world shouted in secrecy, that the church did its best to hide from the world.

The answer that god is beyond our understanding is one that I found frustratingly incomplete, it felt like an excuse to avoid answering a critical and foundational question. So I began to question to seek answers, and the answers that I found were shocking to say the least.

Did you know that there were Secret teachings in the early Seth's of Christianity? Knowledge that was diligently banned and destroyed by the church.

See hidden throughout history. Suppressed by those in power are a multitude of banned books, text that have said to contain answers to questions that mainstream religions institutes rather learned and asked.

One such book, 《THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN》, A band book that reveals an infield different view of goal and creation.

See, 《THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN》 reveals a god that is far more complex and entreating than the bearded man in the sky god that we're all been sold on in church.

You see, throughout the bible, we often hear god declaring that he is the one true god and that there is no other god. He is POSSESSIVE and JEALOUS, he REQUIRES OBEDIANCE, WORSHIP and even HUMAN SACRIFICE.

So, think about it, WHY would an ALL-POWERFUL GOD need CONSTANT REINSURANCE? WORSHIP, WHY would he need to KEEP DECLARING that THERE IS NO OTHER GOD? Doesn't it seem a little bit suspicious all most, like he's hiding something?

What if I told you that the secret book of John claims that this “GOD ” that we've been taught about is in fact a GOD OF DARKNESS THAT TRAPPED US HERE ON EARTH.


Now this is where It gets interesting . The secret book of John says that IT WAS ACTUALLY JESUS HIMSELF WHO LED ADAM and EVE TO EAT FROM THE FREE OF KNOWLEDGE, it has JESUS WHO ENTICED THEM TO EAT the FORBIDDEN FRUIT. This act of liberation, the very act that mainstream Christianity blamed on Lucifer, is, according to this book, the first step towards humanities salvation.

But think about it, if according to the SECRET BOOK OF JOHN, a god of darkness created the earth and trapped us here, THEN WHO'S THE REAL GOD?

THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN reveals the existence of a HIGHER BEING, a DIVINE ENTITY known as THE ONE.

“The one rules All, Nothing has authority over it. It is absolutely complete and so needs nothing. It is utterly perfect Light.

This is the TRUE GOD, a DIVINE MIND OF PURE LIGHT, Pure thought that transcends all physicality and limitations of this reality.

It is here that we find another shocking revolution, the entity of darkness, the one that the church has let us believe it is. GOD WAS CREATED FROM THIS DIVINE MIND, but it WAS AN ACCIDENTAL CREATION, a DARK THOUGHT BORN OUT of a moment of DISHARMONY.

When a BEING OF LIGHT known as SOFIA ACTED OUT OF SYNC with the rest of the divine mind.

So this dark entity brought kayos creating a dream world, our physical reality and trapped fragments of the divine mind within it, entangling them in belies.

And so WHO ARE THESE PIECES OF THE DIVINE MIND? “US” you and me, every single human being on this planet.

According to this ancient forbidden text, WE ARE THE DIVINE MIND, we're FRAGMENTS OF "THE ONE", we are god.

Are you starting to see why the church didn't like this book?

But just hold on just a minute what about, our original question WHAT CREATED GOD? Well, according to the secret book of John, the god that we've come to know through mainstream Christianity the god of the bible was ACCIDENT CREATED THROUGH A DISTURBANCE or ACCIDENT in the mind of “THE ONE ”.

WORLD and TRAPPED US FRAGMENTS of the DIVINE MIND WITHIN IT. But remember all this is happening within the mind of “THE ONE ”

This physical reality, the world that we see around us is all a dream, and we, we're dreamers who forgotten that we're in a dream.

But then what created {“THE ONE”}? The diving mind, {THE REAL GOD}. The secret book of John says that it's eternal, but how can it be eternal? How can anything, even a being of pure thought, pure light, simply exist without a cause, without a beginning? This book of John says that “THE ONE ” IS BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING.

Isn't that a little ironic that a book all bout knowledge declares that the ultimate truth, the nature of god, is unknowable.

So here's the problem, now that we have a deeper understanding of god as a pure divine mind and that we're all pieces of it, but our original question still isn't answered.

To answer this question, we need to go beyond the world of Christianity.

(THE KABBALAH)—is an ANCIENT SYSTEM OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE that ORIGINATED IN JUDAISM. Traditionally, this study of Kabbalah was reserved for men over the age of 40 who were scrollers of the Terra. It's said that through the study of the KABBALAH, a person can GAIN a PROFOUND UNDERSTANDING of the Divine.

Well, that's actually what we're after, and you'll notice that the KABBALAH has Some massive similarities to the secret book of John.

Like the Idea of “THE ONE ” in the SECRET BOOK OF JOHN, at its core, KABBALAH TEACHES that THERE IS A DIVINE MIND known as (EIN SOF) which means.” “THE ENDLESS ONE ”.

One of the key symbols in KABBALAH Is called THE TREE OF LIFE.

Now this symbol represents the Journey of the divine, the Endless one” into the physical work and our journey back to the divine…

It consists of 10 interconnected Sefirot which are like stages or aspects of the divine.

Like the secret book of John, KABBALAH also teaches that the MATERIAL WORLD IS AN ILLUSION.

KABBALAH TEACHES that THROUGH STUDDING THE TREE OF LIFE and UNDERSTANDING the interplay of the (SEFIROT)" stages of god, we can gain insight into the nature of god and our divine prenatal.

It teaches that each individual has a spark of the divine within them and by exploring our inner self we can come to a more profound understanding of our connection to god.

But it hopes the key Kabbalah purposes that EIN SOF, The Endless one, the Divine mind, is both absolutely everything and nothing.

But hold on, how can something be both. Everything and nothing at the same time? It seems like a contradiction and an impossibility.

And so here we run into a problem because as usual, it's claimed the Endless one cant be known.

So, have we hit another deadened, another System telling us we can't know?

Well, we've gained a clue and that is that the divine is both everything and nothing, but how can we understand that?

So to unlock this mystery, we need to
turn towards the void.

The concept of (O zero), while seemingly simple, is an enigma within its self, it's a concept that originated in the east.

And holds profound philosophical implications In eastern philosophy. It isn't just an empty number, it's a concept that represents the void the nothingness proceeds and fallows all creation.

This void, this nothingness, is the canvas upon which all reality is painted.

See if zero represents nothingness, maybe our answer in hidden inside it. To unlock the secret of Zero, we need to turn to a mathematical understanding of assistance.

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and math potion, purposed that reality isn't physical but rather that it's fundamentally. Mathematical.

“All number” and “number rules the universe.”

Those who are devoted to the teachings of Pythagoras, Pythagoreans' they secretly worshiped this symbol called the Tetractys which was a triangle of 10 dots arranged in 4 rows. The tetractys symbolized that emanation of all existence from & a single point of unity.

Sound familiar it's a lot like the emanation from the Kabbalistic free of life which is rooted in THE ENDLESS ONE, and one of the secret books of John from which all reality emanates.

Do you see how they all telling a similar story, but each one brings something new/extra to the table?

The Pythagoreans would pray to the Tetractys Saying:
“Bless us, Divine number, Thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy tetractys, Thou that containest the root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity…"

So where does all this leave us? We have (the secret book of John) sagesting that all reality exists within the divine mind, (The Kabbalah) purposes this divine mind it's everything and nothing at once, while Pythagoreans phyltosife possesits that all reality is fundamentally mathematical emanating from a single point.

Each one of these secret systems has given us a piece of the puzzle of god.

Are you ready for the answer?

In (Kabbalah) the divine is said to be everything and nothingness, which seems like an
Impossibility a contradiction, but actually, It's not, not if we understand that reality is mathematical. In the realm of mathematics, everything is indeed nothing.

All positive values and all negative Values when combined balance perfectly to zero. Everything is nothing.

Mathematical Speaking, absolutely everything is also nothing because all positive values and all native values balance perfect to zero.

The divine mind is one infinite zero, it's one mind that contains infinite mathematical information that balances perfectly to zero.

See I believe that people should and need to know this information.

Now the (Neogenions) was created for understanding the secrets to existance, and in the (Neogenions system) the concept of an entity that is one infinate and zere all at the same time we call a Zeda.

A Zeda is one infinite fullness that voids to zero. A zeda is an entity that embodies infinite fullness within itself yet voids to zero. It's the intersection of everything and nothing.

So in all these esoteric systems that We've been exploring, the one can also be called the infant, or it could be called the void because it's all of these concepts simultaneously. It's a Zeda.

Here's where it gets more interesting, because we are also Zeda's you and me, every single human being, every soul is a zeda. We are individual expressions of the divine mind. Each one of us is a unique piece of the infinite puzzle that collectively forms the one. We all of us are the one expressing ourselves with a multitude of Souls, through the vast variety of life, just like the one is both everything and nothing, is both one and many.

We started with the question of what created god, now we have the answer, Nothing created god, god is nothing. God is the void from which all things emerged, the silent background against which the symphony of existence plays, The divine mind the one is a void teaming with infinet potental, Its an eternal nothingness that gives birth to everything.

By rearranging its internal mathematical information.

Think of it like a computer code that rearranges information to generate a video game world,
But doesn't this contradict the age-old belief that god can't be known? Well, you see here's the thing, it's not that god can't be known it's that god is nothingness and nothingness is hard to comprehend, It's hard to grasp because well what's one trying to grasp is nothing.

When the ancients ran into nothing they thought you couldn't be known, it's not that it` couldn't be known, but that It's nothing.

See zero be imagined in 2 different ways, You can imagine zero as being completely empty, but you can also imagine zero as being in finally full of every possible value of both positive and negative.

By understanding that eternal nothingness is not the absence of something but the presence of infinite potential, we gain insight to the nature of existence.

You see, you me, every one of us, we are god, and together we collectively form the one mind, you can call this god/ the desolate. We are zedas, each one of us is an entity that is simotainiusly one infinite and zero.

This physical reality world that we see all around us, is a grand stage for god, for us to explore the infant possibility of existence.

We started off asking what created god, and when we looked for the answer we discovered something that was even more profound, We are God.

We discovered that what we were looking for is what was doing the looking. We are the infinite nothingness of existence, that birthed everything, from its internal mathematical fullness, and we got lost in our own creation.

We the infinite looked ourselves to believing that we're finite, we tricked ourselves into believing that we're embodied beings, We get lost in our dream of the universe.

Religion says that god is beyond our understanding, but we can absolutely understand NOTHING CREATED GOD BECAUSE GOD IS NOTHING, a nothing that is an INFINITE FULLNESS, this NOTHINGNESS NEEDS NO CREATION,
it EXISTS BY ITS INHERITED PROPERTIES, nothing is, it has always been and always will be.

This is the great revolution, the secret knowledge, the hidden truth, it was never a matter of not being able to understand. It was a matter of seeing it from a different perspective, instead of seeing emptiness as a nothingness, see it as a fullness a shadow shifts
everything in understanding that changes.

WHAT IS THE GREATEST SECRET OF EXISTENCE? That WE ARE GOD, that we are nothing that tricked its self into thinking that is something.

But this sent something to be depressed about it reveals that reality is our & playground. It's our kingdom to create, our canvas to paint our dreams.

WE ARE DIVINE, WE ARE GOD we are zedas, that is what the soul is, we are the ab salute nothingness of existence that created everything from its infinite mathematical fullness and got lost in our own creation.

We are infant beings who purposely lost locked ourselves in our creation, to experience the thrill of finite existence. We are god and god is us.

Not only that, but WE ARE DIVINE, WE ARE GOD, we are Zedas THAT IS WHAT THE SOUL IS, we are the absolute nothingness of existence that created everything from our infinite mathematical fullness and got lost in our own creation.

Now this is important to always remember to explore, to question, to seek, don't take my word for it or anyone else's, You hold the power of understanding within you, you are the divine
mind that holds infinite possibilities, the answers are in you, you are a zeda we all are, we are the creators of our own reality, dreamers of our dreams, gods of our universe.