

NNAM UKWU- My Grandfather
"My Root" series 🔥
Day 2
"Nnam Ukwu"

"Nnam Ukwu" is a name the Igbos call grandfather
Another name Igbo people call them is "Nna anyi" 😃 😊 especially if he married more than one wife.
But in my hometown we call him "Mpá"

My grandfather lived a hundred and twenty-five years (125years) old before he died in 2002

He is another great man in his time.
You know men do a lot of things for their families.
Men can go extra miles to protect, provide and preserve their homes especially the faithful ones.
My grandfather is one of the faithful few.

His compound has almost all the fruits and vegetables you can mention- paw-paw , 2 orange 🍊 trees, 2 avocado 🥑, pears, mangos 🥭 (the one they called "german mango" and "opioro: mango 🥭 😆 🤣 😂 , he had so...