

New start
wonder what life is when you are always seen as flawed person.....
Nicko was one.....
she always felt miserable about her looks and about herself .....
but who knows what's life is for .....
what may begin and what may change.....
so many motivational videos motivated her.....
she developed her own sense that she is beautiful rather than what people say ,she should love herself......
Not for the sake of world but for her happiness she started a healthy life which gave her confidence .....
all negativity she ignored .....she focused on her goals......
Now she is a beautiful person (( not outer appearance but her heart and her confidence)).....
She is healthy and is exploring her talent and enjoying each day....
with a new hope ......with a new energy.....
now her life is all happy......

Moral:"happiness and confidence is what makes you beautiful.....stop judging yourself. .....and start to appreciate your flaws and talents ...."

life is all about experience and learning new things..........

© Nehal