

Nature and energy
The energy of nature is not easy to perceive.
Many times we do not pay attention to what surrounds us. We do not value nature, they are small gifts that the universe gives us.
We are all connected.
Many times we forget it.
We live immersed in a materialistic world of continuous accumulation, having and having and to be only appearances.
is good to have without forget first to be.
Nature has energy, nature has the purest energy, without mental or emotional conflicts.
And everything is energy, I love the energy of flowers, they transmit and perceive it, if We connect with nature, it is mutual, our essence with the essence of nature, always with gratitude for being alive and feeling, like with flowers and so it can be with every living being, this is to awaken and recognize the presence of God, every time we perceive and share our essence, it is often an instant, that is the moment.
A pet, a tree, a plant, flowers, birds, all living things, the sea also has life.
They are all immense sources of pure energy, it is only a matter of connecting with peace and harmony.
Calm anxiety, sadness, practice is very simple, just inhale, exhale, connect, that is, thank, recognize the essence, that invisible magic part that is always there and we do not see, it will be mutual, just feel and you. don't think, thank the times you want and you will see the change with peace.
Many times the moment transforms us.
We are energy and we are one in the end.
Thank God and the universe, today is a new dawn. We are here renewed
By. Maricris Meza