

Dating(having A Boyfriend)
Sunday, 26 Apr 2020 12:52 PM

Dating (having A Boyfriend)
Before I started dating him.. I felt like having a boyfriend is the greatest thing ever and it will be so exciting but it does not always seem so.
Kunle is a friend of mine that later turned my boyfriend.. We started dating two months ago and it has always seems perfect and what I expected but when the relationship clocked 4 months he asked me of something I vowed not to give to anyone except my husband in which I wanted him to be the one.. What he asked for was sex which I told him I can't give to him until he becomes my husband. At first he didn't complain but a week after he asked again and my response was still the same,from then he started acting somehow and the relationship was not on a steady note
Weeks later he became himself back and apologized for being like that and we continued the way we used to. Some days after the reconciliation,we were out on a date and right in my presence, were we are sitted a lady was opposite us and without telling me anything he stood up and walked up to the girl and kicked a conversation with her and even collected her number..and when he came back I happen to say nothing about it and we went home
A week after I saw him with the same girl but he didn't see me and I just pass by without alerting him. I called him after leaving where I saw him to ask him where he was and he lied..
From then I knew something is wrong and somehow this relationship is bound to end.. And I knew he was always after my body cause if wasn't he won't have acted the way he did..
Am gonna break up with him if continues like this and I will seek excitement for nobody else but just myself.. And Bunmi is the name of the beautiful lady/voice behind this story

** The End**