

9 basements {PART-1}
there was a girl who lives in a castel
her name was lily. lily has 2 sisters Sophia and Rose.
they were missing no one knows where they are.there were two basements 1st basement if any natural disaster will come so they will live there 2nd was storeroom where is a secret door for 3rd basement she don't know one day it's her birthday she was turning 6 when she was cutting cake they heard a very loud scream"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELPPPPPPPPPP LILYYYYYYYYY"when they heard that scream they sing more loudly happy birthday but lily heard it she said "daddy some one screamed" but they know what was that. he said "that's nothing nvm lily" she said ok
but when birthday party was ended so she gone to check she was brave enough to see what's wrong she checked 1st basement there was nothing she checked 2nd one

what was that she shocked

see in part two

© Mafia queen