

Silver Lining

"What about setting your life on a different path?" She said, the rosy dawn casted upon her face, intimately tracing her silhouette. Light playfully danced in the fluttering ends of her hair, between her flushed ears, and like the skies, her glassy, clear eyes.

As if reflecting into my core of existence, and indiscriminately unwinding its knots to set them free.

As if she sincerely cared of it, that there's anything else it could be.

As if what the world had left and would ever have, was her, me and the falling air between us -

I flinched at the glimpse, shirking hastily. At the unexpected warmth. At the tumbling emotions from my gut. At the pain from the hope rising so fast in my throat, that the thorns on its vines enveloped and buried deep in my flesh.

She smiled whimsically. In a sing-song tone, her dreamy voice like loose strings of notes, floating into mind,

'What are we, but beings that live for hope?'

I looked away to seem aloof, evading her sharp perception. I fumbled words in my mind, and my tongue, but I couldn't make sense of this unsettling, almost edgy feeling between my teeth. This pain.

'What are we, but beings that live for hope?'

Her echoes rang, from nearby and afar. It was unexplainable, this dwelling ghost within my hollow shell inflamed by a sudden rage of fire, as my insides blackened and shriveled, withering into morrow and ashes. This pain.

'What are we, but beings that live for hope?'

I could feel the blood cloaking my insides, the air stinging with rust. I could feel myself dying, because I'd like to live for her, yet had already died a thousand times from the pain of living, the pain of hope, from how she approached me, from every moment. This pain -

When she whispered her death unto me.

When I asked God, 'Why must we stray on paths?'

When I prayed, if anything different, let it be her!

When there's no reply, I hated what little care she had of life, yet I too, hated life and anything that comes with it.

How it deprives us of everything we had.

My heart was a stone, weighing down in my stomach. For days, crows would drink from my flowing blood.

She was my entirety. She was the bane of my existence, yet she was the silver lining.

The day ended yet too abruptly, the reddening dusk too quickly - And with the wind, she's gone.

And I was gone.

© Elvin