


"Do to others what you want others to do to you". These are words from my parents that have shaped almost every aspect of my life.

Interestingly when I was much younger the statement didn't make much sense because kids will always be kids.Sometimes as a younger me, I have found myself doing some things or saying some things to others but when they do such to me, I feel really hurt so deep that I would not want to talk to anyone.
Then you will hear these words especially my mother, "When you did yours to him/her you didn't know it hurts right?. Do to others what you want others to do to you."

Growing up, the statement sank deep in me on a daily basis.

As I live my life, there is practically nothing that I would want to do that I will not have this self examination, "Blessing if this is done to you, if this is said to you, how would you feel?.If you will feel happy, go ahead but if you will feel sad, quit".

This has and still remains a statement of wisdom that rings a bell whenever I want to say or do anything in life.

Even when I am asked, "Blessing what is that statement of wisdom or advice that you can give to someone?".
It will definitely be, "Do to others what you want others to do to you".
© Thebeezybee