

Why I Stopped Chasing People?
I used to be the master chaser,and a people pleaser always pursuing the ones who seemed to slip away and always putting my self respect down. I thought that if I just tried hard enough, showed up enough, and proved myself enough, they would finally see my worth and stay. But the more I chased, the more I felt like I was losing myself. My value, my worth, my very identity seemed to be dwindling with each ignored call, each unreciprocated message, each time door slammed shut.

It started with a friend, someone I thought was worth fighting for. I chased her for class 8th to 9th, always making excuses for her behavior, always justifying her neglect. But the more I chased, the more she ignored me, the more she took advantage of my devotion. And I realized, I was not only losing myself but also enabling her to disrespect me.

She even fought with me on texts and even told that I don't want to find someone when I said you won't be able to find someone like me. She Continued and continued even she said sorry too late and disturbed with her sorry when I was healed completely from her betrayal.

One day, I woke up and decided I'd had enough. I set boundaries, high and strong, and became my own boss. I stopped chasing and started focusing on the one person who truly mattered - myself. It was a hard journey, but I learned that chasing doesn't bring people closer; it only makes them manipulate you into keeping the chase alive.

I loved, but that love bruised my respect, my self-worth, and my dignity. I thought I was showing love and care, but in reality, I was showing desperation and neediness. And that's when it hit me - I was not only chasing people but also my own validation. I was seeking external approval to feel worthy, to feel seen, to feel loved.

But the truth is, no one can give you that. No one can make you feel worthy except yourself. So, I stopped chasing and started embracing my own worth. I started loving myself, respecting myself, and valuing myself. And that's when the magic happened - people started showing up, people started staying, people started loving me for who I am, not for who I was trying to be.

So, dear one, if you're still chasing, stop. Set boundaries, become your own boss, and focus on the one person who truly matters - yourself. Remember, your worth is not defined by someone else's validation but by your own self-love and self-respect. You are enough, just as you are.

© DaniRhymes__🖊️🦋💞