

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. The lone door before me had a board over it " morgue" . Chill ran down my spine. If I was caught it's a sure shot entry in there and ironically my feet carrying me there my only scope to stay alive. My only visuals of a morgue from the random TV shows, they too not much inviting. I still could hear the footsteps over my thundering heartbeat. I silently scuffled to the door, hoping it wasn't locked, as if the corpse were thinking of fleeing ..ha..ha..ha.. stupid joke, Humans were not trustworthy, they could steal a corpse and make money out of it too. Luckily for me it was open. As I stepped inside the yellow light which bathed the room in its haze added to the eerie feel haphazardly arranged stretchers, some on the floor, with bodies, all covered in dirty white sheet, all so deathly still. The danger outside temporally out of my mind, I shivered as the chill seeped my bones the smell of formalin making my senses reel. Suddenly through my peripheral vision I saw the sheet from a nearby corpse slowly slipping revealing a grotesquely malformed upper half a body.
I woke with a start the cops and doctors stood around me staring at me as if I was an alien. I smiled at them. They gasped in shock. I could still feel the chill . The past events slowly came back to me. I was still in the scrubs. The wardboy who tried to assult me had been captured and taken to the police station. I had fainted in the morgue and was lucky the occupants didn't claim me. I was taken back to my room. There my worried family waited, my mom flung at me holding me in a deathly embrace. The doctor a family friend, profusely apologized for his carelessness regarding hiring the staff. Rest of my treatment bill was wavered off. I went back home almost a celebrity. "One who walked out of the morgue"recounting my antics ofcourse with added spice and condiments to my friends again and again. yet sometimes waking up at night all sweaty and shivering dreaming about the scene in the morgue.
© Smitsy