

(I'll think of a tittle one day)
She woke up startled. She then heard someone say "Um, Hello?" She sat up to descover, she never turned off her game and that her headset was falling off her head abit. So she fixed her headset and said "Um hi." Then what sounded like a husky male voice said "Oh um... Are you okay? You sounded like you were crying. I don't mean to sound weird or anything I just-" She cut him off with "Im fine... I was just missing someone." She rubed her eyes and sniffed. The voice was quit for a minute and then just said "Oh... well um... Do you wanna talk about it?" She sat there for a good minute. She finely said "yeah... I guess" She started playing her game as she talked "Its my boyfriend, he's in the army and he's goin to be gone till November and I don't have a way to talk to him so I'm kinda scared. My brain is thinging of all the what ifs and it scares ne not to know if he is ok or not..."

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