

The Silver Bullet: Chapter Three "The Texas Twister"
As I got up in the morning to visit the graveyard in Laredo.

I still couldn't figure out why I was going to the graveyard in Laredo as I putting my pants and shirt on.

Why it was so dang important for me to see a dead Peron I didn't even know?

Outside of my grandmother insisting that I go.

I didn't even know the name of the person that I was suppose to pay my respects too.

All I had was a Silver Bullet and a piece of paper that read

I figured it stood for October 17, 1888.
The M stood for Male.
I guess I would be looking for a male who had died on October 17, 1888.

After my visit to the graveyard I would let my grandmother know by telegram that I had paid my respects

Getting Ready to Go

"Dear, it looks as if you're going to need to get the carriage out of the barn.
I see some rain coming our way.
Pretty lousy day to visit someone who ain't going nowhere"

"I know Daddy, but Sam wants to get this over with it.
Don't you Sam?"

I nodded my head in agreement.

I had talked with Julie the night before.
She knew me visiting a grave of someone I didn't even know.

Was not something I was very passionate about.

I was only doing this as a favor to my grandmother.

You Gonna Wait

As I helped Julie get the Carriage and the horses hooked up.
The sky started turning pitch black before 7.30 that morning.

Within seconds the rain and the wind was coming down so hard I could barely stand.

I had to brace myself against the carriage while trying to get the horses calm down.

Julie had fallen several times in the mud and was holding on to the fence to keep from falling.

(Julie began to frantically yell at me)

"Sam, you gotta get the Horses calm down or they're going to hurt themselves"

"Julie, what do you think I am trying to do?"

"Sam, you gotta listen to me take your shirt and overcoat off
Put your shirt and coat over the head of the horses.
We gotta get the horses back in the barn"

"What about you, Julie?"

"What about me?
You think this is first time I been through a twister in Texas?

( As Julie yelled back to me trying to be heard over the wind and rain)

"Just get the carriage and the horses back in the barn.
I will meet you in the celler in the back of the house, and Sam"

"What is it Julie?"

"Stay low Sam, Crawl if you have too, but get to the celler. You gonna get hurt bad if you stay out here"

The wind and rain seem as if it was never going to stop.

I was struggling to get the horses and the carriage back to the barn.

The ground had become so wet and slippery I couldn't get myself a good footing to pull the horses back to the barn.

I was doing all I could to keep them calm.
As the rain was coming down so strong I could barely see a few feet in front of me.

As I was holding on for dear life as I heard the booming voice of Dan Buck over my shoulder.

"Sam, let go of the reins We and the boys got it from here.
You help Julie get to the celler"

As Julie and I got to the celler all soaking wet and full of mud.

I could hear Mr. Weatherstein, Carl chuckling as he looked at the both of us while smoking a cigar of his

"Daddy ( Julie smiling at her father) What is so funny?"
"Baby girl, you're tenderfoot did good for himself out there in the storm.
He handled himself like a real Cowboy"

" Yes, he did daddy!
I might even teach Sam How to ride.
If he learns to ride really good daddy.
I could have Sam do my fetching for me"

" Sam, what do ya think about that?
My baby girl giving you some riding lessons?"

"Sir, No offense, but that sure seems like a pretty steep price to pay for leaning how to ride a horse
If it be just the same I'd rather walk then fetching packages for a girl who thinks she got a ring in my nose"

"Don't worry Sam, you're going to be doing way too much cooking around here to go fetching packages. Sam, riding a horse is pretty doggone easy.
I'll have one of the boys teach ya.
If you don't want Julie to teach ya."

Julie began looking at me with her puppy dog eyes making me feel all guilty inside

"Mr. Weatherstein, I figure if I don't have to fetch packages.
I think it will be OK to have Julie teach me how to ride"

" Very good Sam, tomorrow will assess the damages and later this week I'll make sure Julie takes you to the graveyard, so, you can pay your respects

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