

The little miss unfortunate
Rachel lived in ********* north***** she lived with her brother who was 13 years older then her after her parents died in a incident he was the only one that took care of her and excepted her even tho she was different she was born with pale white skin gray hair with a tip of yellow and blood red eyes with a skull shaped pupil and had gray spots on her cheeks, people would often mistake her for a demon or vampire or even a devil, a female devil in fact, and not only her looks trubble followed her every where she went, now not only her, but her brother was different too he had similar to her but was much more scarey looking, yet he looked like a yandere male so people ware OK with him, his sister... How ever was different she wold never communicate with anybody but her brother and a girl, she had brown hair and dark pink eyes almost black her left eye was black however, people dispised her too Rachel would wonder if it was her foult the girl was trubbled but her brother wouldn't agree to it. Even tho Rachel never communicated she still loved talking, she would talk non-stop with her brother to the point where he would get annoyed and leave her alone, again. Still she knew she wasn't alone because the girl who always hung out with them would support her it wasn't for long Untill she grew tired too, still rachel knew it wasn't there foult trouble followed her any ways. End of ep 1