

One day, as we were working on a project together, she looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers and said, "Zack, I know you said you need time, but I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you."

Her words touched me, and I knew in that moment that she was right. Even if we never ended up dating, I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. I smiled at her and said, "Thank you, Pres. I appreciate that more than you know."

As the school year came to a close, I realized that my heart might be closer to being ready for a relationship than I had thought. I couldn't imagine going through summer vacation without seeing her or talking to her. Maybe it was time to take a chance and see where our feelings could lead us.

On the last day of school, I decided to take a chance and tell Pres how I was feeling. We were standing outside of the school, saying our goodbyes for the summer, when I took a deep breath and said, "Pres, I've been thinking a lot about us lately. And I've come to the realization that I do have feelings for you."

Pres's face lit up with a huge smile, and I could tell that she was over the moon with happiness. "Really, Zack? That's amazing!" she exclaimed.

"I just want to take things slow and see where this goes. Are you okay with that?" I asked, feeling nervous but hopeful.

Pres hugged me tightly and said, "I'm more than okay with that, Zack. I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

We spent the whole summer getting to know each other in a new way. We went on dates, tried new restaurants, and went on hikes together. It was during this time that I realized how much I truly loved her.

As the summer was coming to an end, we stood on the beach watching the sunset, reminiscing over the memories we made together. "I'm so glad we took a chance on each other, Pres," I said, holding her hand tightly.

"Me too, Zack. I knew deep down all along that we were meant to be together," she replied, leaning in for a kiss.

As I kissed her back, I knew that she was right. We were meant to be together, and I couldn't wait to see where our love and friendship would take us in the future.