

Letter To Grandma (Week 2)
Dear Grandma,
This week has been a bit better. Over the weekend 2 of the puppies left though. The first boy's basketball game was on Tuesday and the B Team lost but the A Team won. The guy I like is on A Team. They one today's game to, the B Team lost again though. I saw his mom again today and she seemed really nice and funny. I don't know why but he didn't look very happy today. But anyways, I know you don't know this because your gone, but last year I was bullied a lot, plus it was my first full year without you, and I dealt with suicide thoughts. And some of the guys, and guy's best friends, were there. I had gotten over what happened through the help of God but all the feelings came rushing back. Now because of them everything somebody laughs near me I think they're laughing at me. I started to remember how much I hated myself and how I looked and almost started crying multiple times. I think I was having a panic attack. I'm better now but I wish it had never happened. Other than that though it was a pretty good day. We made guacamole in Life Skills today. And basically had a free day in Social Studies. I just wish you were here so that you could help me through these feelings. I don't want to tell anyone because they'll just say I'm being dramatic. But you wouldn't, you would comfort me and then make me forget about it by laughing. We also had to write an anecdote today and it had to relate to something about Hmong's involvement in the Vietnam War. So I wrote about how I found out you died. I almost cried but was careful to make sure that nobody would see. I love you grandma.

The one who misses you most,

P.S. I'll give you a hint on who I like: His initial are the exact same as mine except for one letter 😉