

Fake relations
Why is it that the people we love the most always end up hurting us the most. Twentieth century has got with itself a lot of advancements and technological enhancements.. we are now a jet age all surrounded by lots of gadgets and technology. We can rightly say that our life revolves around technology nowadays.
We are all the time working on phone or laptop. If we need to shop we do that online. Our children take online lessons . We take doctor's appointments online. We book tickets online . We pays Bill's online . In short we dont do anything without gadgets. We are so indulged in technology that our relations have also become fake. They have become techno savvy till the time you keep on feeding them they are at your service the moment you stop it you are on your own. No matter how close the relation is they are full of fakeness.
Only a mother and child's relations a pure relation rest all are fake ones. We spend years of love and care investing in them a girl leaves her family enters a new place surrounded by complete stranger invest in it with love and sacrifice for years and one mistake and everything is finished.
I hope one day we could sit with all our uncles and aunts and cousins and chat and eat together where relations were important and there were love and warmth in everyone. I hope we can relive that time again.
© hridya