

Death waiting on the other side of the door.

Mimi's pov.

This new house is amazing!

it's definitely worth my lives savings.

I don't know why this beautiful well maintained mension was so affordable.

I know I should have done research on it, but what would you have done?

My previous landlord raised the rent every 6 months.

I was maintaining his lifestyle at this point.

I watched my twin boys as they zoomed past me playing in the garden.

Moving here was definitely the best decision.

We are sounded by nature here, my kids can be as loud as they want.

I don't have to worry about rude neighbors here.

That's strange,

I thought I heard foot steps on the other side of the door.

I put my coffee down and approach the door carefully.

"Hello? is anyone there?"

I screamed making sure that I'm heard on the other side.

"Help me mommy! they locked me in again."

Said a girl that sounded like a toddler on the other side of the door.

Oh hell no, I'm calling the police! won't be dragged into some kidnapping!

.....To be continued
© Icepeach25