

(ill think of a tittle one day)
"Today is the day" She told herself "Today is the first day back to HELL." She said loudly "but whyy? Summer was going so well... Why?... Why?..." She trailed off as she huged her knees and backed up into her "gamers girl den" . As she sat there her PS4 community got a comment. So she grabbed her remote and clicked into it. She started to read "I miss you. Yours and yours only." And with thoughs words she began to cry as she typed out three simple words "I love you." And she sent it. She put on her headset and just tried to play her game and clear her mind but. instead she started to cry all over again. As she started to curl up into a ball she didn't even bother to take off her head set. She eventually cried herself to sleep with nonstop nightmares.


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