

The man behind me
i live in a cabin in the dark cold woods it had a path leading to my cabin so i knew where it was. there was a cemetery near the cabin. my friend lived close around 1 mile away from my cabin. he said to me on the phone that there where groups of people going to the cemetery every day like normal but he never saw them again. everyday diffrent groups of people go missing. i told him they probably went home. i guess that makes sense he said to me with a stutter. the next day i woke up at 7am i decided to go to the cemetery to visit a dead friend. while i was walking i could feel a cold breath like someone was breathing on me. i looked behind me and saw nothing. I thought i was going crazy so i kept walking. half way there i saw a little boy crying i walked up to him and he screamed your next your next!. then he walked off into the woods. i followed the kid to the cemetery. i hid behind the gravestones. i peaked my head out and saw a figure eating the kid. it had 4 sharp rows of teeth. it ran into one of the graves digging back in the old dusty mud and dirt where the grave lies. it was gray it could change eye colors to blue to glowing red eyes. i think it did this to see in the dark. it had saliva to paralize its victims i belive. i called my friend in horror he dident answer. my phone shutoff and i saw the creature behind me. chapter 2 soon
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