

Moon's Love..
Hey moon..
Why are you like this..
Staying away that far from Us..
Still attracting Us..
That much..

I don't know Why..

You are Powerful..
You are Beautiful..
You are Strong..
You are Lovely..
You are Trustworthy..

Eventhough having all those
Dominant Qualities..
why you stay away from Us..

We are humans..
Living on this Planet Earth..
And, Yes we are
Loving this Planet Earth..
So much..

And we know,
You too love earth..
As we know..
From your love alone..
All these years..
You spin around him..
And try to impress him..

Eventhough you spin around
That long..
He doesn't care about you..
He only concerned about himself...
And Us alone..
Why you does that much care
About Earth..
And what makes you Love
That much Earth..
We people don't know..
Whats the secret..

You are the reason
For most people smile..
For most people love..
For most people care..
For most people trust..

And you are the reason
For the Waves in seas..
At that long..
You still control over
You still meets at
Regular time..
Every night..

Your Love is something Great..
People should learn from You..
To Love and trust their loved ones..
Like you do..
You are the prime example for
All those people living on earth..
From Childhood..
To Senior citizens..
They all love you..

Thanks for your continuous
Love and care over us..
We are overwhelmed..

As we always do..
We praise you.. .
We tell stories about you..
We Write books about you..
We Potray poems on You..
We draw Drawing on you..

Lovely moon..
And its
Lovely mood..
On this
Lovely Time..

© CG Kumaran

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