

When I was in school, I was never fond of my uniform. All kids hated it, and not just because of the poor design, but also because of the lack of functionality. However, I wore it to school every day. Why? The things that mattered more than how I looked and what I wore. Then you would say, "But this is a religious issue. Hijabs aren't worn for fashion."
That's all right. What about this then? A friend of mine once spent some time in Saudi Arabia when she was a child. The burqa was mandatory when she stepped outside the house, despite not following Islam. She wore it anyway. She didn't wear it by choice, but out of respect for the law. The moral is the same in both stories.
It is customary for certain institutions to wear uniforms. Boys are not allowed to grow facial hair, girls are not allowed to paint their nails or wear jewellery, etc. There are no exceptions to these rules, regardless of how attached you are to your outfit or your style.
Would I be able to colour my thumb if I invented a religion that said a deity painted on your thumb is the key to...