

The Virus
The Virus was claiming vast areas of the country, it was spreading like wildfire, people were dropping like flies but it was also affecting nature, birds were falling dangerously from the sky impaling people with their beaks transferring the virus as they died.
The Prime minister called a state of emergency , urging everybody to stay indoors unless it was totally necessary but many people didn't take the threat seriously, so paid with their lives.
No cure could be found, the death toll was rising to pandemic levels.
Then one day a very strange phenomenon happened, volcanoes that had never been recorded started appearing and erupting all over the British isles, oddly when the larva landed and the ash clouds lifted the earth sealed over in the surrounding areas and the people were cured.This went on until the whole of the isles were completely reformed with a new ecosystem and only half of the previous population that has had to go back to basics.

Breaking news ....The virus is breaking out in the United States, your country could be next.
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