

Sweet Water Bay (Series1) Chapter 1 - The Beginning Part 1 of 2
Part 2 Out Now!

Chapter 1 - The Beginning Part 1 of 2

Nobody ever likes moving. We always move, my family and I. My dad always has to move for work. Sometimes, I wish we could just stay somewhere and be happy, like a real family. Who knows? Maybe this move could be different? "Sweet Water Bay", I really like the sound of that! Let me tell you a little bit about myself first. My name is Jeremy, Jeremy Watson. I am 16 years old, I'm the youngest.. I'm going to share with you my story, a story that nobody can really tell anyone, or even say that they've experienced. It all started when my family and I, moved to Sweet Water Bay. There was just something off about that town from the moment we set foot there.. I guess you never really know where you're headed, or what you're going to get into. As we arrived driving down main street, I start thinking. Maybe this is a bad idea, what if I don't fit in, what if nobody likes me? I turned to look at my sister to ask her what her thoughts were but, she was asleep. It's been a long drive. We've been driving for 12 hours now. Hey! A Book store! Talisman Books, I think I'm going to have to check that out some time.. I wonder what our new house looks like? My parents haven't exactly been the best at describing the move to my sister and me. It has been silent the whole way. I Guess I'll see it when we get there. I hope its not some creepy old shack, I whisper to myself. As we round the corner, I see this big eery dark wooden house, it looks like some old Mannor. I sure hope that's not our house, I said to my sister , Natalya.
I started laughing, until I realized that, this creepy old place is our house!
I didn't think it was funny right then and there. I just couldn't believe it, it couldn't be.

To Be Continued:
Chapter 1 - The Beginning Part 1 of 2

© True Sight Scribe