

The Daily Dose - Let me out
I put the title as let me out because today I feel trapped! I woke up tired but when I was sleeping I never felt better. I know it odd but I woke up and I just felt like I was trapped! and right now I’m at work and I still feel trapped, maybe I feel like I don’t belong here or my body isn’t mine or maybe I just need to eat something but I think I am trapped and I want out. here’s a quick poem for you all that read this far

“I woke up trapped
and I dreamt of being free.
but little did I know
I went to bed trapped
and in my dreams I’m me.”

I think I feel trapped because everyday I dream of becomeing someone better and I think all I need to do is consider the fact that who I am today is someone my younger self never thought I’d be!

-The Depressionist