


In a town where music filled the air
A young musician wandered, with no care
He carried his guitar, and a heart full of song
And followed the starlight, where his dreams belonged

He met a wise old man, with a beard so white
Who asked him, "Where are you bound, on this musical night?"
He replied, "I follow the starlight's gentle ray
To find the rhythm that guides me on my way"

The old man nodded wisely, with eyes so bright
And said, "The rhythm lies within, play from the heart's light"
The musician smiled, with a soul so free
And continued on, wild and carelessly

His journey took him, to mountains high and steep
Where the stars shone bright, like diamonds in the deep
He met a gentle wind, that whispered low
"Your music is the bridge, that connects all that's below"

At last he arrived, at a secret place
Where the starlight's melody, filled every space
And he found the rhythm, that he sought so true
A symphony of wonder, played just for you

The musician returned, to the town below
With a heart full of music, and a spirit aglow
And though he wandered, through the starry night
He knew the rhythm, would forever be his light.
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