

Deadly Embrace
Celestine Ransom is a vicious murderer who terrorizes the streets of Burford, a small town nestled in the English countryside. With a cold and calculating demeanor, she shows no remorse for her heinous crimes, taking lives without a second thought. Despite her ruthless nature, she never anticipated meeting someone who would challenge her beliefs.

Enter Altair Jensen, a bright and curious student of Burfordshire University. When he first encounters Celestine, he sees past her tough exterior and recognizes the depth and complexity of her character. Though the world sees her as an unfeeling monster, Altair sees a person with a rich inner life, full of contradictions and surprises. As he gets to know her better, he begins to wonder if there is more to her story than meets the eye. Will Celestine's past change Altair's perception of her, or will their connection transcend the darkness that surrounds her?