

Depth of Power
Before existence knowledge was present.
All things kept to itself.
It saw the future happening in different ways according to how many times a butterfly flapped it's wings.
It had seen a past that has yet to come so it planned for it.
It sees good.
It had seen evil.
It is infinite on its own.
So it has absolute power.
It is what founded life.
It is what created death.
It defined love and gave it unconditionally
It gave free will.
It shared knowledge.
It birth life.
It exploited a realm made from an orb of light.
It wrote the laws to physics.
It paved paths for free will to walk.
It created heights for love to climb.
It's title is spoken amongst Its creation.
It lurks in the subconscious minds.
It goes by different names in tongues.
But It has a name of its own that no one can posses in the eternal realm unless it tells.
It had done all things in no time.
It knows everything.
It sees all.
It's always watching over you.
As you all roam through time.
Discovering knowledge of It's beautiful life.

If It isn't real, then how is your brain still growing if it doesn't believe in knowledge?
How is your vessel still operating if it lacks understanding of knowledge?
How is your blood still pumping if there is no knowledge to backup science?
How is your world still turning if there is no knowledge behind the logic in it?

Ask yourself again if God is real.
How will the answer strike you?

By: Yung Danielson "Teach them your ways"

#God #Love #philosophy #theology #believer #knowledge #Power #life #poetry #story