

Magic Realms hidden secrets (chapter one)
Magic Realms Hidden Secrets.


New beginnings
Lost treasures
Away from home
A new face
Apart no more
Magic in the air
A great quest
Not so warm welcome
The end is near
Ever after

Chapter One.
New beginnings.

Luna Rose awoke to several crashes followed by a loud sigh. Maya Lavender had dropped the poker for the third time this week. Luna wondered often how a maid can be horrifically clumsy and still have a job. "Oh sorry Lady Rose, I woke you again didn't I? ". Maya sighed. "It's quite alright Maya". Once Maya had left, Luna put on a black dress and white silk stockings. Many people had told her to wear something more bright and colourful, that she always looked as if she were at a funeral. She couldn't imagine wearing any other colour though, she couldn't remember ever looking at a single pink item since her sister passed. She had always been very close with Ocean Rose, she had thought of her as a best friend rather than a sister. Her and her sister didn't look the slightest bit similar, Ocean had blond wavy hair that she never seemed to be able to tame, her eyes were the colour of a fresh grass hill, and shimmered whenever she got excited, she also had clear pretty skin. Luna however was the total opposite, with her black straight hair, ghostly pale skin and cold silver eyes Luna wandered if it was even possible for anyone to ever think she was pretty. Jacob Forster, her best friend since she was four, had joked that if she stood in a graveyard she would scare anyone who walked past, the worst part was she knew it was true. Ocean had drowned in a lake, the same lake that Luna had always feared ever since she was a little girl.

"Good morning Luna!" Said Jessica Lindsay, her other beautiful friend. Luna had always been jealous of Jessica, how could she not be. Jessica was pretty, shy and kind. Her wavy multi colored hair, pretty tanned skin and the most beautiful sky-blue eyes, made all the boys turn on their heels just to catch a glimpse of her. She also is one of the many cooks at Mayfield Manner. "Good morning", Luna muttered, failing to hide the jealousy in her voice. "Wow Jessica you look so pretty today!" Said Maya as she swept the polished stone floor. Maya was definitely not as gorgeous as Jessica, but still wasn't ugly, she has light red frizzy hair, freckled cheeks, brown eyes and always has her hair up in a messy bun. Maya used to look very cheerful, but now all Luna could see on her face was sorrow. Luna wasn't the only one who suffered from the loss of Ocean, while Luna lost her sister, Maya lost her best friend.

Luna sat at the busy dining table debating on which pancake looked the most delicious when the room suddenly turned silent. It was Astrid Rose, the owner of Mayfeild Manner, Luna's mother. Luna had never been close with her mother, in fact she thought of her as the most bitter person in the room. Her mother always seemed to have a storm cloud floating directly above her head, depending everyone's mood as she strutted pasted them. Astreds eyes seemed to glow at the sight of suffrage and pain, they shined greyish green and reminded Luna of a dreadfully cold, damp, misty night. When Ocean died, Astrid didn't seem to care in the slightest. Luna always felt some sort of dark aura flowing around her mother, she new it was probably just her imagination, but the feeling was still unsettling. Astrid seemed to sense her thoughts, as her glare turned to Luna. It was impossible to win, if she looked down her mother would smirk cunningly and if she continued to stare the uneasiness would multiply. She went with the first option. Astrid smiled victoriously and turned to face Jessica, who sprinted out of the room before she could become the next victim. Astrid had jet-black hair and full ruby lips, Luna was fairly sure they were filled with venom. "Luna be a good girl and fetch the mail", said Astrid mockingly. Luna knew there was no point arguing and silently walked out the front door.

Jacob was standing under the old oak tree waiting patiently for her as usual. "Why don't you ever just come inside?", sighed Luna. The only response she got was a half-hearted shrug. "Any mail?"
"A business letter for the witch and a letter to Jessica from me", grinned Jacob. Luna frowned. "Why don't you just tell her yourself?"
"That would ruin the point, can you please just give it to her, you're her friend."
"Fine". Luna marched into the house and slammed the door. She new that it was stupid to be jealous, after all they were both her friends, but she couldn't help wanting Jacob to herself. She thought of opening the letter, just to see what Jacob had written, but knew it wasn't right. Luna imagined Jessica and Jacob standing side by side, she knew they would make a rather good couple. Jacob was absurdly handsome, he is very muscular, has light brown slightly curly hair and hazel eyes. Their hair and beauty matched, their names even both start with J. Sometimes it felt as if she were friends with a God and goddess. She hesitenly passed the letter to Jessica. "It's from Jacob", she moaned. Luna watched as Jessica gently tor the seil, she watched her eyes move back and forth until they paused. "Thank you Luna, your language class is starting soon, you best get going".
"Jess, um do you mind if I read it, I am curious to see what he wrote?"
"I really don't think you'd like to read it, It is rather… private." Jessica sighed and left the room. Luna was a little frustrated, but understood Jessica didn't want her to get hurt.

"I hate night", was all Luna could think about as she tried desperately to make herself sleep. It was pointless. She put on leather boots and a warm black cloak. One thing she'd always loved about the Mannor was how there was always a part she had never explored. She decided to look for the hidden door on the West side, so she could practice her secret. She didn't want to be found sneaking around, so she cut through the servants quarters. The quarters were freezing, as there was no fireplace near by. The corridor was very narrow. The whole corridor was eerily quite, the only thing she could hear was her own quite breaths. The glow of the torches ended as she neared to the secret door. She saw it. The wall that was actually a door. She pushed her whole body weight against it, feeling the cold hard stone as she pressed against it. It slowly spun, making a quiet cracking sound. The door suddenly closed behind her. The first time this happened she was startled, but she had gotten used to it by now. The room was pitch black and her breaths echoed all around her. She didn't bring a torch, that didn't worry her though. She began to think about all the little things that made her happy, all things that filled her up inside. Then she saw it, a ball of light glowing brighter and brighter, until the entire chamber was no longer dark, no, it looked like the middle of a hot summer day. Luna's feet felt light and her head was spinning a bit, but overall she felt a sense of bliss and ease. She wanted to do it all again. It was her secret, a secret no one knew about, a secret she cherished and loved. She wanted to see if the ball of light could change shape. She decided on trying a cube, since it would be simple. She imagined all the sides, how big the cube would be, her imagination didn't seem to want to listen as it pictured the cube as blue instead of yellow. She opened her eyes to see exactly what she thought of. The chamber was now an alluring blue colour. She noticed the chamber was cooler than it was before and was curious to see what would happen if the colour was red. As if reading her thoughts the colour changed again, to a violent red. As she suspected the chamber was now a pleasant warm temperature. She tried lots of colours and noticed that only blue and red could change the temperature. It was getting late and she was tired, so she made herself go back to bed, using the back door and heading to the main staircase. The light faded, until the camber was gloomily dark once more.

Luna had never met her father. She assumed he was handsome as Luna looked like her mother, but her sister looked nothing alike. She had asked her mother about him when she was young. Was he noble, did he love Astrid, where was he from, was he dead, will she ever meet him? Those were some of the many questions she had asked. Her mother had answered; he died, you will never meet him, stop being curious because I will not tell you about him, end of discussion. That was one of the many reasons she hated Astrid. She was cruel, cold hearted, deceitful and Luna had no idea how any person could possibly love her, which was why Luna couldn't understand her own birth. She had always dreamed of meeting her father, showing him her favourite places, telling him all about her life, but most importantly learning about his. She knew now that she was older that he would either be dead or want nothing to do with her. It’s funny how the more you know the more you dread, she thought bitterly.

"Luna wake up, do I have to roll you out of bed myself!" Shouted Astrid. Luna thought that she was cursed, could she ever just be allowed to wake herself up. By the time her mother had finished shouting, not only was awake, but Luna was fairly sure the whole town was. "As your punishment for making me yell, you can go collect the milk today." Her mother marched out of the room, before Luna could get one word in. Luna rolled her eyes. As if Astrid needed a reason to shout. Luna wasn't angry about being given servant's work, oh no, because if there is one thing her mother had taught her was how to get the perfect revenge. There was no way Luna would ever be seen milking a cow for two reasons. The first being she is a lady not a servant, doing so would be risking her dignity. The second reason is she has no idea how to and knew it was hard work. So she emptied her purse, grabbed a bucket, walked to the town bakery, bought a carton of milk and poured the milk into the bucket. The only thing she needed was lumps, but not milk ones. There was a farm supply store nearby. It had an array of different products for animals, she went to the cow section and found salt licks. She then asked the shop owner to cut it up into small cubes. "Whatever for?" He questioned. She grinned mischievously. "Well do you hate Lady Astrid like I do?"
"Of course, who doesn't?"
"Well then I'm planning to make her morning a little more… bitter."
"How small and how many, just say the word".
Her smile was a mix of menace and glee as she put seven salt cubes in the milk. Maybe this morning was going to be a good one after all.

"Took you long enough", Astrid taunted. Luna could barely hide her joy. She knew her mother liked eating the cream lumps, so Luna didn't bother mixing the salt in. Her mother ate one of the cubes. Astrid's face looked disgusted and Luna could see her urge to spit it out. Luna watched as she swallowed and then let out a yell so loud that it startled poor Jessica and made her jump and drop apple and pear pie all over herself. Luna was thoroughly entertained. "YOU LITTLE WITCH!" Astrid began to scream at her, in living with her mother all her life, Luna had never seen her so furious. After what seemed like an hour of yelling, cursing and death threats, Loni Smith, one of the many cooks, finally intervened. "Lady Astrid, I apologise for intruding on your um… conversation but could you please stop shouting, I'm quite sure that the entire world has heard how much you hate your daughter by now?" Loni asked. Astrid stomped upstairs, cursed some more and slammed her study door. Soon after, Jacob walked into the kitchen in absolute awe. "Luna, what did you do because whatever it was worked?"
"Salty milk", she answered simply.

Dearest Jessica,

I have known this for a while now and wish to tell you about my thoughts. You are certainly the prettiest girl I have ever met without question, but I am sure you already know that. You are also the kind, considerate and compassionate, being around you is an absolute pleasure. I have been thinking about how to confess for a while, and came to the realisation that I would make a mess of it in person, so I write this letter to make sure I say everything I need to. I just want you to know that I am deeply in love with you, I know you have rejected people far greater than me so I promise to respect your decision whatever that may be. I wish to meet with you in private on the beach in a weeks time at nine o'clock sharp. Tell me if the date or timing does not suit you. I really love you Jess and I hope you will think about what I have said. From the day I laid eyes on you, I dreamt of this moment.

Lots of love,

Jacob Forster.

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