

🔹Horrific Night House Of Meghan🔹
CHAPTER ONE : Meghan On Her Way To LAVANORN ( City Of High Priestess YOHNA)

Meghan was a Lovely and well trained princess. She was very tender at her youthfulness and also love to go out in search for butterflies. Her father King KAN was a very powerful but sentimental king , that cared for the sick and the less previlege in the SHRODA kingdom of the NORTH . Her mother died when she was 5years old , it was a heartbreaking event in the entire kingdom from the East,West,South in LAVANDA the capital of them all.
The kingdom was peaceful for about 3years then tragedy broke when the king was poisoned by an unknown noble .
Meghan decided to take responsibility to go out in search of a cure because if her father dies the kingdom will be at war and his evil cousin GARD will rule the kingdom as a tyrant. She walked her way at night towards the NORTH to find priestess YOHNA.
She struggled with the wild forest not untill she came across the Demon called DAGON who stops her saying; " Meghan lovely Meghan who should cure your father" as he kept on talking in wolf and grinding his teeth, he looked in furry but kept on talking; " he that is deadly lies in the palace with the king like a flower on the table"
Meghan in anger replied;" Speak or don't waste my time".
DAGON replies " Hurry or your king will be stained by his cousin". He went on laughing sarcastically and ran off.
Meghan was devastated and so continued her journey to YOHNA. She travelled day and night for 3 days and finally meet YOHNA who welcomed her and fed her according to the custom of the people and article of the kingdom.
Meghan spent the night in thoughts and couldn't stop thinking of the words DAGON told her. Moreover she trusted her father's cousin and he seemed harmless. The thoughts were so unclear to Meghan then she said: " As it pleases dagon I will make sure the truth be known abroad the kingdom and let the betrayal pay for the betrayed".
Then Meghan continued for the Night in LAVANORN.
The next day YOHNA took her to the secret mirror to read the past and when they arrived she played her hands on her four head and she saw many terrifying prophecies that is to happen to her father and the future of the kingdom .. YOHNA said: " your father is misled by his cousin GARD who has auterior motives and wants the entire kingdom, that is why you shouldn't marry yet because he will take the thrown, this night house never lies, go now and head East for the antidote, if tarry for father will perish"..
Meghan answered:" Yes my lord, as you please I will do pleasure for the king". She hurried for the East as fast as she can.
GARD finally discovers that Meghan is out for help and unsatisfied in his wickedness send Demons and Wolf's including DAGON to attack and stop the journey.

watch for the next chapter to know what happens to Meghan..
will Gard kill Meghan ? or Dagon will get killed by some kind of misery?

#writco #newstory
© Ivlinek45dozbeauty# Dream Quotes#