

Its too much!!!
The new normal is just driving me crazy...it takes my mind and spirit everyday I try to put my mind in a better place but the horror everyday is that people r dying ....its so much everyday that people aren't just take this as a joke...its not!!! For me people are being flippa like they will never get it but thats not true...we're supposed to get some type of guidance transparency but this supposed President gives false hope and is downright delusional...he thinks he is smarter than the doctors that r equipped and knowledgable in this area but people r still listening to him and people should do research listen to the doctors this is not a joke this is a lethal virus that can KILL U!!! I'm just tired of seeing the numbers of people going up that have passed away and so many cases !!! AGAIN I WILL SAYTHIS VIRUS IS LETHAL AND WILL INFECT YOUNG AND OLD!!!! THIS IS JUST LIKE A MERYGOROUND!!!Listen to the warnings ⚠️ that's all I can say my family got it from little to adults it's scary every single day!!!!People have been homebound since March and it hasn't gotten better just WORSE!!!I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO SAY UR NOT IMMUNE NO ONE IS!!!