

Corona virus has become the biggest giant in my country Kenya. It is a a virus which originated from China,,,,apparently it has become our day to day song. It is now the fifth month since this virus caught us unaware,,,, for the first time I gave an eye on the virus on the screen only one person was infected in Nairobi city.By the end of the month it became a real story.Kenya is now the most infected country sofar. We are suffering as kenyans ,,,,we are loosing our loved ones,,,,people are committing suicide due to lack,,education systems have been interrupted with,,we cannot sit for our national exam,,,Jobs are a bit down,,,,churches cannot be attended,,,,people are in fear,,,,,our country kenya has faced a real pandemic,,,,,,The government of Kenya are trying their best by ensuring that we are keeping safe ,but then issues around most of us are forcing us risk during this tough time,,,,,people are loosing hope,,,,,it has become a tough time,,,,,,but then the ball is on our side,,,,
we should turn unto the face of the lord and repent our sins,,,,,,this is the moment that we should all turn our faces unto the presence of God. Let us ask for forgiveness from the lord coz we are all sinners unto his presence
Don't wait until the the disease breaks everything down ,Don't wait until your county is swimming in the same sea ,,let us sacrifice and unite our hearts together let us all stand for the purpose of our fellow kenyans,,,,let us fight this battle together until everything comes back to normal
let us not blame our government they are also human ,they also have to turn unto the presence of our almighty God and cleanse pray. A lot of things do not just come but some come as lessons in our life.
let us all put ourselves into a situation where a family of 15 is infected ,How do you feel about it???

© jackie