

The Siren's music
It all began on a beautiful sunny morning where 4 siblings made their way to the beach for a day out. The girls were beyond excited to try out the new boat their father had bought for them and since they lived near the sea they decided to take it with them that day. However before they went on their journey a wise old man warned them that a terrible storm was approaching but the girls didn't pay attention and ignored him expect for the youngest one who was quite frightened. Trying to convince her siblings to stay she went along not wanting to miss out on all the fun.

When they were on the ocean they had a great time singing, playing music,eating snacks and taking photos together after a while of fun the siblings decided to call it day and head back but miles away from sore a terrible storm had caught them. Waves with amazing strength and thunder hitting the sea the four were in terror as they tried to hold the boat's balance. Each girls holding onto the cupboards of the boat screaming a sound of a heart shape necklace fell on the floor which caught the youngest one's attention. She reached for the necklace obviously it was important to her since it was her mother's who passed away after her birth, she let go of the table and fell on the floor hitting her head causing it to bleed however the young girl wanted her mother's piece and when she finally got it in her palm a not-so-friendly wave hit the boat once more causing her to fall off. A scream outside the boat already alarmed her sisters she was in danger and they rushed to help not seeing any sign of her presence on the boat they feared the worst and looked at the water not able to see her either but the flashes of the thunder. After calling her name multiple times with tears and despair.

Somewhere in the great ocean the youngest daughter was sinking to the darkness of the sea unconscious with blood escaping the side of her forehead. The young female thought to herself that she never wanted to die this way without saying goodbye to her sisters and father along with the rest of her friends back home but she was happy that she'd finally get the chance to see her mother in person than on pictures. The girl was ready to give her life to the sea since she loved it so much therefore she allowed herself to sink deeper and not struggle.

At a large distance she heard faint singing of a male echoing in her ears. The singing got closer and louder causing her eyes to slowly open but her vision was too blurry under water causing her not to see much but hear the voice of the singer. It was so beautiful and angelic clear as day she heard the swimming of the unknown person near her obviously it was a boy but she never heard a man sing so freely under water of all places. She enjoyed the sounds before feeling a hand on her lower back and underneath her legs with her eyes slightly opened she saw a blurry face with gills on the person's neck and a beautiful forest of hair but she couldn't make out his face. She felt the movement of something scalely and realised they were swimming up inside of down so the mysterious person wasn't drowning with her she guessed it took a long period of time to reach the sore she didn't get any air so how was she still alive she wondered. After her head got out of the water with her hair covering both her eyes she felt the swimming going forward meaning they were heading to land but instead of expecting to land on the softness of the sand she hit her back on a hard piece of rock. Not being able to see straight but feeling her blood escaping her head and soft cold hand touching her face moving her hair out of the way before the person pulled her upper body up.

She was far to tired and in pain to open her eyes to see what's happening instead she felt the lips of another meeting hers. The mysterious person was kissing her but a strange transfer of energy was given to her threw a kiss which deepened every minute she gulped. After the kiss disappeared and a short while of rest was given to her she slowly opened her eyes looking around to see no one which she found strange cuz she was sure someone else was with her. Her vision was normal and her head was healed she panicked remembering her mother's necklace before feeling it was around her neck left with confusion the girl stood up looking around. Seeing she was near sore only on a rock which no one could see from the land but from a cliff she looked around for anybody before hearing the singing of the male once again looking at the water her eyes widened when she saw a man with a tale in the water. He had a well build muscular body and gills on his neck ,he had brown eyes and pure black hair that flowed in the water with the breeze ,his tail caught her attention it was dark blue and shined like a diamond his fingers were fleshed together like a web but his hand as clearly human-ish.

He looked up at her with curiously in his eyes for swimming closer as he opened his mouth singing once again her mind went blank as she leaned closer to him as if his song was pulling her to him reaching for him with her hand she slightly felt his face as he twitched at first but allowed her the second time. The two looked at each other for a while before her stuck his hand out of the water reaching for her face touching it he gasped by the softness. After a short while he backed away smiling at her turning his back before he swam away in an instant.

She was truly amazed by such a creature living in the sea her heart beated for a moment as she saw no sight of him and remained silent before hearing her sister's call. She looked over her shoulder sporting their boat and her 3 siblings in tears only with their dad this time and the wise man who warned them about the storm earlier this morning. When they were reunited they hugged her tightly afraid she might vanish in a blink of an eye after the family traveled home hearing the scolding of their dad at the oldest and multiple questions at the youngest but the youngest daughter wasn't much in conversation mode but she kept looking at the sea which left everyone wondering but still they kept talking to her. All she could think of was that man and the sound of his voice was running in her mind.

Later that night when before she went to bed she drew a picture of the man she saw in the ocean ,the man who saved her life ,the man who stole her first kiss ,the man who reunited her with her family ,the man who singed her mind blank and healed her wound which she couldn't understand how the only thing that kept her wondering was "What was the creature?" "What was his name?" "Why did he save her?" "Why did he have a tale?" but her mind went blank again after remembering the angelic voice from the deep and his touch on her cheek. She closed her eyes drifting off to sleep laying on her side as the picture she drew of him fell on the ground but the unusual thing was that the drawings slowly disappeared like something was trying to keep the mysterious male a secret not only from the memory or eye but from paper as well. Yes the girl forgot about him the next morning she woke up and went along with her daily routine like before with her siblings.

(Hi everybody! This is the writer I truly hope you enjoyed reading this peace as much as I did writing it. It may not be very entertaining but I tried my best honestly. Thank you for taking your time reading it and I hope you have a blessed day...this is Kiante hoping you the best if the best🙂❤️)