

That was a Heart Break Moment

He fell for her the moment he saw her at the dinner time. that was a happy moment around their friends circle. hewas always watching her. and smiled at her. but she is ignoring. and she thoughts it may flirting. so she took it as lightly.

But he is not. he just start follow her. and he collect so many information about her. She is a girl who born in poor family. and her big dream is to become such an employee in a big name fame MNCompany.

for that reason She is studied very effortfully. and focus on her dream every time. with enough money. She do part time job with her mom. she sell veggies. and collect some money. she took education loan. finally she reach her goal. completed interview successfully. and joins MNC.

what about love.?!

her point of view love is precious. not a time pass. if you willing to marry someone, and share all kind of ups and downs with him. please go for that.she preferred love come marriage to all her friends.

But He is Not like that. His parents well settled. he has no responsibility for home about parents also. He is always spend more money with friends. his life going like that. But when She entered into his life means he started carrying about her. He always makes some space and time to meet her. and talk with her. She also allowed as friend.

one fine day He proposed her in front of all friends. that night was awesome cool breeze surrounding . very cool weather. they collect some dry stikcks, and make some fire. and sit in front of the fire and all are start their own performance, showing their talent in front of their friends for time pass. some one is singing, some one made monoact. someone's dance performances. that all was fun. and very entertainment.

Suddenly SHE stand up and ask excuse went some lonely place. no one is there. HE also follow her. and conversation will start.
hello, hi
he requested to give her Hand. and he was very shivery. He proposed her. it may Wow moment for other kind of girls. But She Said "NO"

She slightly opposed his proposal.
Yes. that was a heartbreak moment!!

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava